Today i’ll start the write about an subject somewhat interesting for me, and that i hope that is at least curious to you dear reader, already what you stoped here to read the text Currently with the strong growth of pratics about knowledge of yourself, spirituality, energies, astrology, points of understanding esoterics, and related. The people outside of middle, become increasingly curious and with an good feeling and mild when they participate of pratics of middles. Being that within this pratics there is a important what i will mention during this text, that would be about the taromancy. But what would be taromancy? The answer its pritty simple, and it would be to say that it is the study and practice of the TarĂ´, and that in turn would be the reading of the cards by a tarotist, and through of one question of person what be in one searching by answers in the letters however the people when go search who game, already arrive looking answe...